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Maritime Fins

Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra

30 in stock

Regular price $5.99 CAD
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Great for beginner aquarists, tetras are attractive, hardy fish that come in a variety of colorations and color patterns. Tetras are an active, peaceful, schooling fish that mix well with other community fish. They prefer to swim in schools of five or more. Tetras can share their aquarium with other community danios, rasboras, catfish and less aggressive barbs and gouramis.

Instead of plants, tetras eat aquatic crustaceans, worms and aquatic insect larvae. Vary their diet by including frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms and other small worms, mosquito larvae and daphnia. You will see your tetras swimming in the middle of your aquarium. To create a beautiful environment, be sure to add some top and bottom swimmers as well.

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